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Wednesday 19 November 2014

 Bajau traditional tribal dance (Igal-Igal)

Ballroom dancing and Dalling Dalling, a traditional dance of the East Coast of Sabah Bajau and is very popular in Semporna District. Dalling Dalling-word is plural in Bajau which means the movement of the entire body Dalling according to a certain rhythm. According to Mohd Shafie (2006: 25) in discussing dance ballroom dancing is the Bajau, better known as dance 'albatross'. Igal word itself comes from the English word 'eagle'. Graceful dance movements mimic the movements of the eagle. Symbolic animals are respected by people Semporna, other than to say inserting movement of the wind
Ballroom dancing accompanied by traditional instruments Bajau community of kuling hand, gong, and dessert. This musical instrument known as tagungguk. Apart from the music, the dancers will also be accompanied by the reading of the poem in the language bajau usually sung by one or two singers. Normally poem sung by two singers will be the match between the singer. Interestingly they will sing spontaneously, which stanzas rhyme personal touch dancers like appearance, clothing, dance choreography and others. The difference with the dance-Dalling Dalling was accompanied by musical instruments, namely gabbang and a singer.
             This dance is usually danced in ceremonies such as weddings crowd. During the wedding ceremony, usually the dancers will get BOD of money inserted in the hand when dancing as a sign of respect for the host as well as gifts from the audience when they entertained with dances. Sometimes dancers and singers will compete to show their expertise, who survive singing or dancing? The answer is stopped either party dancer or singer will be considered losers by the audience. This traditional dance trying commercialized by having the traditional competition at the school level also in celebration of the annual festival Regatta Lepa Semporna District.
Along with the progress, traditional dances also have got a modern twist. During the observation the author at a wedding, dance dancing can also be accompanied by a musical instrument keyboard or organ is no longer accompanied by traditional instruments only. Even when the dancers are teenagers, they prefer to use modern music than traditional instruments. Hence, see current developments, in order to respect the will of guests, the host will attempt to provide traditional and modern musical instruments during a wedding ceremony.
             While the rhythm of the dance that is popular among the Bajau community is jenes, lolai and point. Bands present as well, trying to harmonize traditional and modern rhythms such as Hindustan rhythm and Indonesia.

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